Our ESG approach
Commitments and actions
in line with our beliefs

ESG is key in our investor role
ESG stands for the awareness and respect of the Environmental, Social and Governance criteria. We apply these standards to ourselves and to the companies we back.
Our beliefs
ESG, sustainability and ethical values must be considered in all our investment decisions
- Companies play a crucial role in societies’ economic and social life
- Respecting social and environmental values is key to support sustainable development
- Achieving profitability is absolutely compatible with ethical values
Our commitments
We are responsible investors
- Signatory of the France Invest Code of ethics, the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and the Initiative Climat International
- Measurement of the impact of our decisions in the environmental, social and ethical fields.
Special attention given to governance and ethical issues - Exclusion of specific sectors from our investment strategy (gambling, production and distribution of alcohol, tobacco, weapons…)
Our actions
We favour concrete projects
- Top priority: the well being of employees in our portfolio companies. We give special attention to working conditions and strive for the majority of employees to contribute to value creation
- Systematic ESG audit for each company with realistic goals set (regular assessment programs to measure progress)
- Concrete projects of general interest financed by a portion of our resources
Our main ESG criteria

- Biodiversity
- Climate change
- Waste
- Water
- Energy
- Environmental footprint

- Non-attendance / accidents at work
- Social conflicts
- Job creation
- Discrimination / gender parity
- Work-life balance
- Training
- Value creation sharing

- Shareholders
- Certification
- Customers/suppliers
- Corruption/ethics