
A commitment reflected in concrete actions.

  • The actions of a responsible and committed asset management company.

    Drafting annual ESG reports

    Every year since 2019, we have produced ESG reports to take stock of the sustainability trajectory of Momentum Invest as well as its portfolio.

  • Measuring our carbon footprint

    We carried out 2 carbon audits of the management company in 2019 and 2021 to monitor and better manage our environmental impact.

  • Contribution to the drafting of Climate Initiative France’s Materiality guide

    In 2020, Momentum Invest became an active member of Climate Initiative France ‘s materiality workshop and played an active part in drafting the guide “Evaluating the Materiality of Climate Risks”, which was published in January 2022.

  • Selection of 3 Sustainable Development Goals

    The Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) are 17 targets set by the member states of the United Nations to promote a sustainable future. Like each of the companies in our portfolio, we have selected 3 SDGs to support our initiatives:

    • « Good health and well-being »: Regular formal and informal feedback between employees, introduction of teleworking
    • « Responsible consumption and production »: integration of sustainability criteria in the purchase of consumables
    • « Measures to combat climate change » : Reducing carbon emissions by giving priority to public transport and cycling.
  • Sponsorship initiatives

    Momentum Invest supports several associations that have a strong impact on causes we care about:

    • Support for the Maisons des Jeunes Talents programme and student sponsorship. This equal opportunity programme prepares high school students from modest backgrounds for the preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles and provides free accommodation for the most disadvantaged. Each year, Momentum Invest’s partners also devote part of their time to helping 1st and 2nd year students prepare for their orals for the Grandes Ecoles entrance exams.
    • Donations to the Cœur de Forêt association, which has been fighting deforestation due to subsistence farming since 2005 by reforesting and developing non-timber tree products.
  • Actions within portfolio companies

    Pre-acquisition phase: measurement and identification of sustainability issues

    • Systematic sustainability audit on entry for each new investment
    • Carbon footprint on entry
    • Inclusion of environmental, social and governance clauses in shareholder agreements.

    Momentum Invest also examines the potential social benefits of the companies in which we invest. We are proud to support:

    • Fitness Park, the French leader in low-cost fitness, promoting access to sport for all.
    • Infocert, involved in the fight against fraud by checking that cash register software complies with regulations.
  • Investment holding phase: monitoring and analysis of extra-financial performance

    • Collection and analysis of responses to the annual ESG questionnaire, shared with each holding (100% of holdings respond to our annual survey)
    • Establishment of an annual score, using a proprietary tool, based on the responses to the questionnaire, which is objective, automatic and fully quantified.
    • Encouraging the creation of an internal ESG committee in each portfolio company
    • Help management define priority objectives, including at least 1 relating to climate issues:
      • Regular evaluation programme
      • Encouraging the selection of appropriate SDGs for each holding (100% of holdings where Momentum Invest is the main financial shareholder have defined SDGs)
      • Measurement of progress
    • Support for management teams in implementing concrete actions:
      • Sharing best practices and internal studies (e.g. on “green” electricity suppliers)
      • Provision of standard tools (e.g. ESG charter)
      • Connecting with our ecosystem
  • Exit phase: review of extra-financial performance

    • Exit sustainability audit
    • Carbon footprint at exit
    • Value creation shared with employees of divested companies
    • Preparation of a report summarising progress made and changes in key indicators
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